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Baylor University 

Department of Journalism, Public Relations & New Media

One Bear Place #97353

Waco, Texas 76798-7353



Website photos by:

Cassy Burleson, Ph.D.

Danielle Kilgo

Mia Moody-Ramirez, Ph.D.

Augustine Ramirez


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Research Sp0nsors

Research funded by:


The Baylor University Institute for Oral History











The Baylor American Studies Program


The Baylor Deparment of Journallism, PR & New Media




Greetings from Waco, Texas! We are excited you took the time to visit our website. We have been researching the James Byrd, Jr., murder and its impact on Jasper County for the last 16 years.


We have learned much about Jasper's history and made many friends along the way. This website is an exhibition of othe collection of photos, videos and information about the tragedy we have gathered. 


The full text of our latest article is available herePlease enjoy!


We look forward to hearing your feedback on our research as we continue this truth-seeking journey. 


                        --Cassy Burleson, Ph.D.

                        Mia Moody-Ramirez. Ph.D.

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